The Story Of Stones

Throughout history, humankind used a lot of different tools and materials to sustain their lives.Throughout history, humankind used a lot of different tools and materials to sustain their lives. Although first in primitive times, the purpose was only to maintain life, it became so quickly that human kind started to use materials and different kinds of elements for not only to carry on their lives, but also to have some art and design in their lives too. For example, it can be seen that in past, a lot of people were using animal skins or parts of animal bodies, such as; teeth or horns, to have a decorative look in their places. However, although they are still being used, these accessories lost their popularity in time and slowly left their places into other different things within time. In this situation of things gaining and losing popularity in humans’ lives, there is an unavoidable fact that stone was always and still is a huge part of human life. So let’s have a look why, how and when stone became so much important in our lives, and still we include them in our lives?

In ancient art, marble was very popular thanks to its soft and easy to shape structure, and translucent surface. For example, in ancient Mesopotamia, marble was included in art history by creating models of animals, and figures by using them. In the same manner in ancient Egypt, a wide variety of stone was used in order to form gods, guardians for temples and tombs, and figures. And in Ancient Greece’s Archaic Period of art, marble gained immense popularity by artists. It was an amazing material for them to express their art and put out their artworks due to the easiness of using marble. This popularity continued by ancient roman sculptors and artists as well by using marble and limestone to craft portraits, and busts.

As a result, if the question ‘In which point marble gained immense popularity?’ is to be asked, the answer should be ‘in ancient Rome and Greece’, where whether white or off- white marble was preferred for construction of structures. Moreover, the second question ‘But why marble was chosen by Greeks and Romans in that time, and why it became so popular?’ would be the case, then the first answer that comes up to minds should be its
‘beauty’. However, its beauty was not the only reason. The other reasons were its durability, and easy to use, convenient structure. Although the white marble was quite popular at that time, still other different colored marbles were so much in demand to create beautiful, colorful, and more decorative looks. And luckily, it is possible to find these accessible stones in different colors as we desired. The marble’s color depends on the minerals that it has in it. To give an example, red marble picks up its color from hematite, whereas green or yellow warble takes its color from limonite.

All in all, the question ‘How marble stone became so popular and still being used today?’ can be answered by composing the information above and can be summed up as, it was discovered in ancient times, and became the apple of the eye of artists, and sculptures thanks to marble’s beauty and convenient, durable structure. Today, it is still in our houses as a material for wall covering, flooring, stair covering, pool capping and many other purposes. It is also seen in our kitchens and bathrooms as countertops, or bar tops and table tops. And as in artistic manners, it is still preferred for ornament making, figures making, and many other different things such as ashtray making, ring, necklace, accessory making, and all other countless designs and projects. It is for sure that, marble would always be a part of human life as long as it carries its unique beauty and features.

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